Statements of Support (36)
Ugo Bastolla enthusiastically supports the proposal of Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann medal 2025, for his outstanding contributions to the theory of dynamical systems, complex networks, and the statistical physics of polymers and polypeptides.
Ugo Bastolla
Yes, that would be wonderful, and I'll do my part.
Predrag Cvitanovic
Given that the Boltzmann Medal is awarded for seminal contributions to statistical mechanics, Peter Grassberger is natural and perfect choice. His impressive body of work over more than 50 years in the fields of statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics, information theory and beyond has had far reaching impact making him truly deserving. I enthusiastically endorse his nomination in the strongest possible terms!
Jörn Davidsen
Yes of course, it is with great pleasure that I would like to join the initiative to propose Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann medal 2025. Peter has contributed so many outstanding works to statistical physics, nonlinear dynamics, data analytics, information theory etc. that I cannot imagine anybody who would deserve it more.
Theo Geisel
Peter Grassberger has considerably advanced over many decades the field of computational statistical physics. His work impresses by the large range of topics, the variety of developed and applied algorithms and the high quality of the results. I can definitely state that his research and personal contacts with him have helped me personally to develop a much higher level of my work. This certainly is true for many other people.
Alex Hartmann
I very much support Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann medal. Peter has made numerous profound contributions to statistical physics and non-linear dynamics.
Hans Herrmann
I particularly strongly support Peter Grassberger's candidacy. His life's work not only consists of numerous groundbreaking publications, but he also inspired and motivated many of us in crucial ways. He significantly advanced computer-aided statistical physics and today his name is inextricably linked to many tools and methods in this area. He is certainly one of the most remarkable personalities in this field and I would be really glad if he was awarded the Boltzmann Medal.
Haye Hinrichsen
Peter Grassberger's contributions have deeply shaped contemporary statistical physics, with countless implications also for other apparently unrelated fields of knowledge and applications. I strongly support his nomination for the Boltzmann medal 2025.
Stefano Iubini
I am delighted to support the nomination of Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann Medal, as this award would rightly recognize his tremendous impact on statistical physics as well as nonlinear dynamics.
Chris Jarzynski
I strongly support Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann medal 2025. I am following his work since more than 40 years, and I am impressed by his numerous original and important scientific results in Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Dynamics.
Wolfgang Kinzel
I believe that Prof Grassberger is an outstanding candidate for the Boltzmann Medal, and he absolutely deserves it.
Alexander Kraskov
Apart from his numerous scientific achievements over many different fields, Prof. Grassberger has always been a strong supporter of young scientists. His supervision style was very open, he gave a lot of freedom and let them follow their own ideas. But the door to his office was always open (both literally and figuratively). He also supported international scientists from countries where the conditions for science were less than ideal. He invited as many of them as he could as guest scientists providing both funding and encouragement. I would like to thank him for all these things that he did.
Thomas Kreuz
This is an excellent idea! I'd be happy to support the nomination. Peter is a true giant in the field.
Joachim Krug
I strongly support the the candidature of Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann Medal 2025.
Klaus Lehnertz
I want to warmly support the candidature of Prof. Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann Medal 2025. The contributions by him to the development of statistical mechanics is testified by a long list of impressive achievements and breakthroughs in a wide range of topics, from theory of chaos to stochastic processes, phase transitions etc. It is worth stressing also his crucial role as a teacher and advisor of many young students, which became outstanding scientists in this field.
Roberto Livi
Peter's critical contributions to Statistical Physics and Nonlinear Dynamics qualify him for the Boltzmann Medal, and I warmly support his candidature. I wish you success in your initiative.
Paul Manneville
It is with great pleasure that I hereby support the candidature of Prof. Dr. Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann Medal 2025. All along his extended and distinguished career he has made important contributions to various subjects, always maintaining a Statistical Mechanics viewpoint in his approaches. I would like to emphasize his exceptional results in chaos theory, just one among the many topics in complex systems he has contributed to.
Susanna Manrubia
I am very glad to hear that you will nominate Peter Grassberger for the 2025 Boltzmann Medal. Given Peter's lifetime achievements, I strongly support this nomination.
Ralf Metzler
I am happy to support the nomination of Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann Medal 2025.
Florian Mormann
It is my pleasure to support the candidature of Peter Grassberger who made major contributions in various domains of statistical physics: theory of dynamical systems, cellular automata, Griffiths phases, self-organized criticality, etc.
Jean-Pierre Nadal
It is a great pleasure for me to support in the strongest possible terms the nomination of Prof. Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann Medal 2025. Professor Grassberger is a towering figure in the field of statistical physics, whose contributions to the field over more than four decades have had an enormous impact on our understanding of a large variety of phenomena including chaos, criticality and complexity.
Jordi Garcia Ojalvo
I most strongly support the nomination of Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann Medal. He has made enormously impactful seminal contributions across a broad range of subjects in statistical physics, particularly his notable foundational works in the area of chaos theory, perhaps the most prominent example of which is his body of work introducing the spectrum of fractal dimensions and entropies of chaotic attractors and non attracting chaotic sets.
Ed Ott
I fully support the candidature of Peter Grassberger for the IUPAP Boltzmann Medal 2025.
Diego Pazó
I am glad to support the candidature of Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann Medal 2025, in recognition of his many important contributions to the statistical physics of nonequilibrium phenomena and of complex systems.
Luca Peliti
It is with pleasure that I agree to support the candidature of Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann Medal 2025.
Paolo Politi
I think Peter Grassberger's contributions to computational statistical physics are so unique in their broad impact and importance, that I have absolutely no hesitation to support his nomination for the Boltzmann medal 2025 in the strongest possible terms.
Tomaz Prosen
It is, indeed, a great and timely initiative that you took in proposing Peter Grassberger for the prestigious Boltzmann Medal 2025. His seminal contributions in correlation dimensions, fractals, entropy, Chaos theory and dynamical systems has shaped today's fields of Modern Statistical Mechanics and Complex Systems. I, therefore, most highly support your initiative and wish Peter the very best success.
Astero Provata
Although I am not a driving force for the nomination of Peter Grassberger, I regard him (PG) as an eminent colleague, who would be a great recipient of this nomination. So you can count me in. In terms of his noticeable contributions, there is of course the work with Procaccia about strange attractors and their characterization, which is by now regarded as a classics. Another of his contributions that I found outstanding, and which was very helpful for my own work, was his 1997 PRE paper “Pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method…”, in which he developed methods to study rare events. The corresponding contribution appears to be highly regarded by the community (judging by its impact); and I am delighted to say that I really admire this contribution.
Alain Pumir
I will be more than happy to support Peter Grassberger's nomination for the Boltzmann medal. Besides his unique scientific achievements, he has been the best mentor I have ever had, and the best mentor a scientist could wish to have.
Rodrigo Quian Quiroga
I support your nomination of Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann Medal.
Sid Redner
I strongly support the candidature of Peter Grassberger. I am convinced that he fully deserves this award. His contribution to statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics cannot be overestimated. Thank you for this initiative!
Misha Rosenblum
I support the candidature of Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann Medal 2025 in the strongest possible way, without any reservation. Based on his pioneering contributions to statistical physics and chaos theory (e.g., the idea of the correlation dimension), Peter Grassberger fully deserves this prestigious award.
Peter Tass
I would fully support to propose Peter Grassberger for the Boltzmann Medal 2025. Many of his contributions concerned the deep connections between Statistical Physics, (chaotic) dynamical systems and information theory and shaped these fields and their connections. They range from advances in techniques (time series analysis) to concepts (self-generated complexity), etc
Uwe Thiele
I am happy to support your initiative to propose Peter Grassberger as a candidate for the 2025 Boltzmann Medal. He has in particular guided the field of statistical physics analysis of complex systems on the human scale (10^-6 to 10^6 meters: much larger than molecules, much smaller than astrophysical scales) for more than four decades, with a focus on proposing efficient computational schemes of practical relevance. For instance, he is not only known for the Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm for estimating the fractal (correlation) dimension of chaotic systems but made many influential contributions to the study of phase transitions and critical phenomena, across human-scale application areas, from physics and biology to finance and climate science. He has also always been a critical and exact judge on distinguishing supporting evidence for (or against) emerging scientific or mathematical hypotheses from proving or disproving a hypothesis.
Marc Timme
I strongly endorse Peter Grassberger as the ideal candidate for the Boltzmann Medal 2025. His groundbreaking contributions to statistical physics and complex systems, including innovative quantitative measures and scaling laws for chaotic motion, phase transitions, diffusion processes, assortativity measures for directed networks, uniquely qualify him for this prestigious recognition.
Serhiy Yanchuk
I wholeheartedly support the awarding of the Boltzmann medal to Peter Grassberger. I can think of few other people more deserving. In my field of percolation, Peter has made profound and foundational contributions related to epidemics, the directed percolation universality class, precise derivation of thresholds for many systems, innovative computer algorithms, etc. His work is very highly cited and he has had a huge impact on many other researchers including young people. I highly support that he be given this award for his work over nearly 60 years, first in high-energy theory, and in the last 40 years, in the field of statistical mechanics.
Bob Ziff